On Mon, 2002-08-12 at 15:30, kenh199@cox.net wrote: > Now that I have had time to cool down I would like opinions about removing "My Sign From The Past III" virtual cache site. I have mixed feelings about this but since it has impacted all of us I will go with the majority of the opinions here. One of the things I enjoy the most about geocaching is the great places that others have shown me and that was the reason for posting the cache. Randals posting was much more reasonable and intelligently written that the Az Repulsive story. Yes, I thought it was a much more level headed reply than the article as well. The were only 2 things that I would argue with and that is that the cache itself should be the reward and that everyone is going to take the same path to the cache. I haven't really ever considered the cache as THE reward... It's "A" reward, but the new places that I am taken and the scenery that is around are the biggest reward. With that same thinking you could say that a hike itself should be the reward, but if the hiking part is the reward and the scenery or destination of the hike is not, I might as well just go to the gym and "hike" on a treadmill. As for the creating new trails... I would say that MIGHT be true for caches that are a short distance from the caches, but for caches are are a decent way off the trail people will either tend to take a game trail, a wash, or go bushwacking... either way, there is no set markers in most cases that people will automatically follow to get to the cache and therefore won't be making any new trails. Also with caches that are out of town they get a significantly less number of people going to them and I would harld think that 10-20 people a year going to a cache (and that would be high for a lot of the caches) we even have a good chance of creating a train even if they DID take the same path repetedly.... which they most likely aren't Brian Cluff Team Snaptek