On Fri, 9 Aug 2002 17:14:33 -0700 Joanna Strohn wrote: > Many thanks for the warm welcome. With the > thunderboomers hovering over the > park that was going to be my first exploration, > I think I'll have to put off > my first search effort. > Don't worry there are cacher's in the rain > I've been doing some looking around on the web, > but there really isn't that > much there for the completely clueless newbie. > For example, what kind of > goodies does one leave? the best Item to leave is one equal to the value of what you take, my rule... most items can be bought at the dime store, then after a few caches just start moving the items around.. I make hand-dyed scarves, for example. Would these be a good goodie? YES > I haven't found anyplace that has photos of > caches. I read about Tupperware, > but I have no clue how they may be hidden. under rocks, under branches, under bushes most cache containers are placed in an area that fits them Urban caches are Altoids for the most part country caches are Ammo Cans or Tupperware like the site states not expensive... Do I have to climb trees? none that I am aware of but there are caches in trees Wade swamps? in ARIZONA Do a dance and chant? only when the bateries run low Turn my dogs into retrievers? no but can make good caching companions > > I got my GPS at Wal-Mart. I know they don't > have any PC cables there (I looked). Any other place in Tucson that might have cables? Any Maps n More store or REI What about paper maps? And what about mapping software? I use Delorme works well with my Magellan 315 from Target When I need a map I go to one of the online sites so I don't have anything that is new. Recommendations? > > -- Joanna, Clueless in Tucson, aka WingRider Don't worry about being Clueless there are caches that will make even the pro's feel like a deaf bat and an offer if you ever get to the Valley of the Sun I/We will go caching with ya.. Team Evil Fish