This was the response that I got from the reporter in reguards to the e-mail that I sent her this morning. It looks like she had built a canned response after all of the e-mails that she has been getting this morning. I wonder how the editor would feel about all of the e-mail from the concerned citizens regarding this article? -------------------------------- Thanks for your note. I'd be happy to discuss the issue with you, but would prefer to do it over the phone. I'm at (602) 444-4845 if you would like to talk about it. Thanks. -------------------------------- Ms. Leonard, I read your article today, and to be honest was quite disturbed with some of the items that you had written about. I don't want to criticize your article without knowing all of the facts, and that is why I am writing you. In your article you mentioned that several archaeological sites throughout the state have been vandalized by geocachers. You also mentioned that trash was left behind, at several of the geocaching sites. My question to you is, what is the proof that you have that vandalism was performed by geocachers and that geocachers were responsible for trash being left? Is this strictly based on the words of the stewards, or is there evidence that geocaching is responsible? I would appreciate your response, so that I might be better informed as to what facts you received for this article, as opposed to opinions so that I can better understand the validity of your accusations. Thanks you, Justin Sever