>I have a travel bug that has the goal of getting to Los Vegas. It came >from "Elementary,Watson!" by Outdoormania. > >What route are you going to take and maybe I can place it in a cache you >will visit? Or even place a new cache on your route? ;-) > >Happy Hunting, Ken > Howdy Ken, I would be glad to help move your TB along. I am not sure how many, or even if, I can get any caches on my way to Las Vegas. But, I do hope to get some. There appear to be about 7 of them near enough the route I am taking that I think I can jump out and go look for some. I have to study them a little more. But, I would be happy to get it closer to it's destination for you. I might even be able to put it in a Las Vegas cache. If not though, certainly close to Vegas. Like NW of Kingman somewhere. Let me know what you are thinking and I will be glad to get it to it's destination! :) Where did this TB start? Has it been out for a long time now? I have never been able to complete a TB's route. It would be fun to be the one to put it in a cache at it's final destination! Also, if Georaptor is on this list... I still have the TB Anaconda in my possession. I got it before I went to ALBQ, NM and couldnt get out caching the two days inbetween I was home and never got it out of my possession. But, I should be able to get it moving along sometime this week. Anaconda's goal is to get to Montana. Perhaps I can take it toward Vegas as well and move it a bit closer to it's goal. Getting it into the Las Vegas caching community might help it along in that direction. Scott Team Ropingthewind Scotts Adventure Flying Web Page (and now geocaching web page!) http://www.safwp.bravepages.com _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. http://www.hotmail.com