I found 2 benchmarks on a recent 5-day trip up north. I wasn't looking for them at all; I just walked right over them, and after seeing them, took a GPS reading. With the first one, I had just found the cache Strawberry Knolls Forever, 30 miles east of Cedar City, and saw the benchmark as I walked south for a better view. I just tried to log this benchmark last nite, and was unable to do so. Everytime I clicked on "Log this benchmark", it brought me to the Geocaching.com login screen, and said I was not logged in. Even though I had previously logged in, and the web page for the benchmark said "Details for Benchmark HO0584 you are logged in." at the top. I ended up logging in to Geocaching.com 5 times, and the last 2 times, made sure I clicked the box "Also login to the forums". I also hit refresh (F5) on the benchmark's web page a couple times too, prior to clicking on "Log this benchmark". It still always led to the Geocaching.com login screen. Has anyone else had this problem logging benchmarks? Are you supposed to get a separate Geocaching.com account of some sort to log benchmarks? Has anyone logged a benchmark successfully in the past couple days? Let me know. Mike Team Malthusian