Well, no one posted any sort of log for this since April 17. As the days and weeks passed by, I became increasingly concerned that the container was gone. Its been very hot the past several days, but in late April and early May, there were some pleasantly cool days when people could have easily done the hike to it, which features less elevation gain than either Squaw Peak or Camelback. Anticipating that it was gone, I hiked up the peak this morning, with a replacement can in hand, with 7 other friends. Sure enough, the previous can was gone. I rehid the new container at the exact same location as the old, so Club 2400 is open for business again. I would certainly agree with Scott's comments about being annoyed that a lot of people won't post "Couldn't find it" or "Note" logs when they search for a cache, and don't find it. A lot of geocachers refuse to post anything but "Found it" logs, regardless of how many caches they've searched for and couldn't find. This not posting the "unhappy" logs does a big disservice to the geocaching community at large. When geocachers let people know that they couldn't find a cache, and there's a few of these in a row, the owner of the cache gets tipped off that something may be wrong, unless it's rated as a difficult-to-find one. I am 99 percent sure that SOME people have searched for Club 2400 since April 17, but would those people let me know that they couldn't find it? Noooo! If those people had posted a couldn't- find-it or note log after their search, it would have informed me of a possible problem much sooner. Don't know why someone would steal the old container, but they did. It was a small coffee can, not a more desirable ammo box. The new can is slightly bigger, and only has a couple items in it now, so it's far from full. I'd highly recommend this if you want a good early-morning workout close to home, with a 360-degree view from the top. Of course, the only decent time to do this hike is the early morning, for the next 4 months. I wouldn't try this after 9 AM in the summer. NOTE- I wanted to append the comments another user posted here about being annoyed that many people won't post "couldn't find it" logs- it was somebody from Tucson (maybe Scott Wood?), but I've tried to access the WEB version of the listserv a few times this morning, and it keeps saying "Connection timed out". Mike (Malthusian)