I bought some magnet tape which has adhesive on the back which has worked fine so far. Of course, I'll be interested to see how it holds up for months and in the extremes of our climate. Not sure what kind of glue I would use if the adhesive doesn't work out, but I'd guess something like a silicon based glue which has been my favorite for general stuff lately.... Jim. On Wed, 29 May 2002, Mike Schwarz wrote: > Another question, on setting up these little containers... > For everyone who has done so, in both Phx and Tucson. > > What sort of glue works best, to attach the magnets to the > inside of the containers? Any sort of super-glue, or a > special type? I want to set up a couple containers myself, > but want to make sure the magnets are very solidly attached, > so they couldn't be knocked loose. What sort of glue have > other people used for the Altoids tins? And should you use > a different glue if you have small PLASTIC containers > (like I do)??? > > Any tips would be appreciated. Hopefully I'll hide one in > Tempe sometime in the next 10 days. > > Thanks, > Mike (Malthusian) Jim Scotti Lunar & Planetary Laboratory jscotti@pirl.lpl.arizona.edu University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 USA http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/~jscotti/