WOW! that one was fun! I probed around a bit and indeed the graph was off, but I had a hard time finding a reason why. A little bit of test code was telling me that all the numbers where there and correct, but they just weren't making it to the graph correctly. It turned out to be a little chunk of code that flips though all the different types of data looking to see if there was an an occurance of it, found, lost, hidden, note in this case, and then records it into a variable when it did find one. The problem being that if you had a find on that day it would record a find, then it would check to see if you had any lost, if you did on the same day it would record the lost value over the found value and so on, but only for stuff on the same day, so for the most part it "looked" fairly accurate since most of the time you aren't going to leave found and/or loses and/or notes on the same day. The vertacle numbers by the way are/were dead on, it was just missing chucks of data here and there. Thanks a TON for pointing that out... I probably wouldn't have noticed that for a long time, and I really need the mental break from work. (Running 20 occurances of windows on linux ... it works real good :) Brian Cluff Team Snaptek On Wed, 2002-05-29 at 17:49, Jason Poulter wrote: > From: Scott Wood > To: > Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Graph problems > Date: 29 May 2002 09:50:18 -0700 > > I was just looking at the team stats area for us and noticed that > everything seems to be working on the graph except for the line for caches > hidden. > > Not a real big deal, but thought I would pass it on. > > Scott > Team My Blue Heaven > > > _______________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list > > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource >