> I am sure that everyone who has hidden a cache has one thing in common, > they like to know that their caches are being found and the only way that > happens is by the logs. Maybe it is time that we start putting a small note on the bottom of all our caches stating: If you are not willing to log your find/not found on this cache, then don't bother going. The logs are the only thing that the cache placer gets for putting their time and money into making a cache and putting it in the middle of nowhere for you, and it's the least you can do for cache placers to let them know that their time was well spent and that it's still there and in good condition. ...or somthing like that. It sounds a little mean, but can you imagine how many caches there would be if people put them out there and then never found out if anyone ever went there at all.... not to bring up a old conversation,(especially one that got so heated) but talk about littering! Brian Cluff Team Snaptek