I was just settling down after my direct and personal experience with this fire last week. If you have been reading my posts, you know my opinions and that I was trying to let this whole fire thread drop.
I realize you probably didn't mean anything ill-intended by titling your post "Trish gets her wish", but I do not appreciate it. Addressing me personally in this way has stirred it all up again. I am still sensitive about this subject.
It is not simply my wish; hundreds of residents, as well as the many experts in the field, are calling for forest closures for this unusually dangerous time. Any thinking and reasonable person should be able to see that trying to do whatever can be done to protect and save property, money, the forest and even lives is much more important than temporary recreation restrictions. And please save the "slippery slope" and "burning is good for the forests" and "the bad guys will do it anyway" arguments, I've heard them all snd I am tired of this whole thing. But addressing me by name gives me the right for one more rant. If you don't want me to say anything, then don't drag me into it.
By the way, fire restrictions don't work. Prescott Nat'l Forest has had open fire restrictions for several weeks and in that time, the Law Enforcement Ranger told me (on Thursday) they have found over 120 illegal and abandoned camp fires. So many people are so stupid and selfish, it ruins it for everyone else.
Do I enjoy the forest? Of course I do!! I live up here (in town) and drive, hike, geocache, etc. Do I want to enjoy the forest this summer? Of course I do. But I also understand that these conditions are unusally dangerous and call for restrictions until it is safer. Complaining about my recreational inconvenience would be so selfish and insignificant in comparison to the actual and potential dangers that some have faced and could face. I'll bet that if those selfish people who ignore the fire restrictions and closures had a house in jeopardy, or had to evacuate, or had a life in danger, they'd think twice about the whole issue.
I am truly sorry if this offends anybody, but I feel like I have post-traumatic stress disorder! I was ready to let it all drop....and I would appreciate it ALOT if everybody would leave me alone and leave my name out of any further discussions. Please refrain from spitting anything back at me too. Just leave me alone! Thank you!
On Mon, 20 May 2002, SNOW6006@aol.com wrote
As a PR person for a major national insurance company, part of my job entails keeping a watch on news items that are related to our business, and that includes wildfires.
It looks like Trish may get by closing the forests. The following announcements were made today:
As of May 22
* 80% of Tonto NF will be closed
* 66% of Coconino NF will be closed
* Kaibab is closed to all off road vehicles and camping
And, of course, all the NF have restrictions on open flames (including Coleman stoves), no chainsaws and cigarette smoking only in vehicles.
Plus, keeping on watch on the Tram fire near Clint Wells, it looks like our Buck-I cache may be in jeopardy. I am sure that we will lose some more caches to wildfires this summer.
We have just dedicated our backyard as Camp Snow and it looks like that's where we will be spending the summer!
Now that I have spread doom and gloom...... have a great day! ;)
Team Snowpeople
"Although no one can go back and
make a brand new start,
Anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending."