Sounds like you might want to try out an idea that I had about keeping caches where you put them. Put the whole thing in an amo can with a chain welded onto it. Then on the other end of the chain pound about 5 feet of rebar into the ground. It won't keep a determined person from stealing it, but they will really have to want to take it :) I know when I get out in the middle of nowhere I sure don't want to waste a bunch of energy trying to break a chain or dig up a long stake. If anyone wants to try the above... Just lemme know and I can weld the whole mess together for you. Brian Cluff Team Snaptek ----- Original Message ----- From: "C. Sullivan" To: Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2002 3:41 PM Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Amateur Beacon / GeoCache.. > The "prototype" (more on that in a minute) is a BASIC Stamp PIC. They > cost around $40. That provides the "intelligence" behind it. The RF part > is a crystal oscillator (cost: $4) and a small signal transistor and a > couple of chokes/caps to act as a filter to keep the signal clean > (think Chebyshev). The solar cells and the AA batteries were both > "surplus junk" I had lying around. I suspect that one could probably put > the whole thing together for around $60, even buying parts new.