Howdy, I'm kinda waiting for Bonnie to get home, so I'm sitting here on the computer. I came across this cache: I can very easily set up one (or even two) of these. Is there interest? Here's where to get the info: Where's Bonnie: Where's Fred: Note that the information is transmitted from the tracker every two minutes. The pages update every three minutes, and will tell you how old the information is. For example, as I type this, Bonnie's last position was transmitted almost 8 hours ago, my last position was 3 1/2 days ago (I took the GPS unit on a work trip to Safford this week to locate the cache near Heliograph Peak and was in to much of hurry to get home to hook it up, but it should be going during the day on Saturday, 4/13). Also, since the information travels by radio for the first part of it's journey not every transmission makes it to the internet site. What all that means is even if you have the latest coordinates you will have to conduct an area search to find the target and hope we don't move while you're searching (unless you have mobile tracking capability, then we can play tag APRS tag...) I'm not sure I would actually place a cache on the vehicle, so you might have to report, oh, say, the license plate number or other unique feature of the vehicle. Now that I think of it, I could put one on my service truck (due in next month). I usually travel further a field and to more interesting places at work.... In any case, I think this would be a very challenging cache. It would require deductive ability as well as navigational skill, and luck would play a part also. It could be very frustrating. Let me know if you are interested. --Fred Team Boulder Creek