I hid 2 caches in Thailand during the past 2 weeks. Both contain travellers. I got permission from the originators of each traveller on placing them in Thailand before I went. I was very picky about where I placed both caches. I could have placed them about any day, but decided not to put them at the end of a long hike. Both caches are very near (short walk) of two major tourist centers. One is 0.3 miles from a large 5-star hotel where the countries of Myanmar (Burma), Laos and Thailand meet at a point. The other is a short walk from one of the more popular beaches in Phuket (Poo-ket), a major tourist destination. I believe that both caches will be found within the next 3 months, 6 at the latest. Both should be safe during this summer's rainy season. So, if you want to watch 2 caches, go to the Thailand caches and watch them. -Taekwondoman