Subject: Re: Geocaching To: From: "Jim B Miller/WO/USDAFS" Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 15:05:51 -0500 X-MIMETrack: Serialize by Router on ENTWOA/E/USDAFS(Release 5.0.8 |June 18, 2001) at 02/08/2002 03:14:40 PM MIME-Version: 1.0 Apparently-To: This came from the Washington Office of the USFS. ----- Forwarded by Jim B Miller/WO/USDAFS on 02/08/2002 03:04 PM ----- Jim B Miller To: 02/08/2002 cc: 01:57 PM Subject: Re: Geocaching We do not have a national policy on geocaching at this time. Consideration of such a policy is being reviewed. Regions or National Forests may have specific policies. We recommend that before placing geocaches on National Forest System lands that proposals be submitted to the local forest staff. The concerns expressed to date include litter; abandonment of private property; impacts on threatend and endangered species; impacts on heritage sites; impacts to vegetation, soils, waterways; impact on the wilderness resource; and social impacts. These concerns may be increased if motor vehicles are operated numerous times directly to sites. We encourage the public to utilize Leave No Trace at and Tread Lightly! at principles and guidelines in the use of the national forests and other public lands. Thanks. Jim Miller -------------------------------------------------------------- aka Ken Henson