I've just finished up the graphs that I started a while ago. Some of you might have noticed the graphs of caches hidden per month. There is now: -Caches Hidden Per Month -All Cache Activity Per month -Cache Finds Per Month -Lost Caches Per Month -Notes Per Month -Active Teams Per Month I also cleaned up the code (It's still really messy though) but you can't see any of that, but you can see the small amounts of face lift that I did on most of the stat pages. That should be a little more consistant now and easier to read under all the themes. They also should be nicer looking in general. The graphs should also be much easier to read than the old style that the numbers would run together when they got into the 3 digits. The new stuff is available at: http://geocaching.snaptek.com/monthlystats.html Enjoy... Brian Cluff Team Snaptek