I finally got around to updating the database export options... so everyone can download and up to date version of the waypoint list for your use in your software or gps units. Have fun.... Jason Team Snaptek For you hardcore types, here are a couple of links to raw Arizona Geocaching data that can be imported directly into your GPS software for upload into your GPS unit. These data files are generated straight from the database so it is always current with what is listed on the site. *** Archived (Inactive) Caches are listed in this data also, they are noted by the name starting with an underscore character.*** Az Waypoint Data File - Garmin Format This can be imported into Garmin's MapSource program using the Import command under the File menu option. Az Waypoint Data File - Text Format CSV/TXT This file is generated in a generic format for manipulation to import into other gps software ie. TOPO!, TopoUSA, etc...