For those at the campout that were asking about them. Here are some pics that we have taken on various cache hunts presented in a fairly raw format till we can get them onto the actualy web site in a more presentable manner. I/We do retain all copyright on these images, so if you want use any of them, please ask first. They most definatly contain spoilers beyond anything we ever put on the website. If you don't want to ruin the suprise as to where a cache is or what is in it, do look at these :) The pics include photos of the perseid meteor camput as well as some from the recetly discovered rim rr depot cache (Sorry, no pics of the actual cache for rim rr depot, I think that I might have had a heart attack is I had to climb that stupid mountain one more time. 5 trips across that mountain were enough for me :), and many more. Brian Cluff Team Snaptek