[Az-Geocaching] El Camino del Diablo Strike Force

Team Tierra Buena listserv@azgeocaching.com
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 18:33:19 -0700

> Just a note: the website states that a permit is required, 
> and that you must get it from the Goldwater AFR, but dosen't 
> provide an address or telephone number on where to get one.  
> If you E-Mail the reserve itself, do they provide the necessary forms?


I realize I wasn't clear about that in my original post. Don't know for
sure if they'll take a request for the forms by email, since they don't
provide a specific address to send application requests to. But last
time we sent a snail mail to the Refuge's Ajo address, and it took
around a week to get the forms back, and then another week to ten days
turnaround for the permits themselves.

Team Tierra Buena
Making Geocaching harder than it ought to be...